posted by Jean McCollister
Several of us from Flipsi traveled to Gyuro, Hungary for a discdog competition on Sunday January 17, organized under UFO rules. The competition took place at a place called Tordas Zoo Animal Farm with a nice indoor facility. This was my first time competing under UFO rules so I was worried about disc management issues (only seven frisbees allowed rather than the ten that I am used to under USDDN) as well as unsure of the judging criteria, but we must have done something right because Lyra won the freestyle event (of 16 competitors) and even with a relatively poor toss & fetch performance (21st place of 51 competitors) came third overall. Having a break from training the week before a competition is evidently good for her: she spent the time playing in the snow with her friends Jana and Dean and didn't see a frisbee again until the morning of the event.
Amadea and Bora were first in Toss & Catch, third in Freestyle, and second overall. Their second round of freestyle was practically flawless, and Amadea's throwing in the T &C was amazingly accurate, especially in the second round: Bora caught disc after disc in the bonus zone.
Olivia and I were fifth in Freestyle, fifth in Toss & Catch, and fourth overall. Relative novices Tamara and Žak turned in two very nice freestyle performances and finished in seventh place.
Bamm Bamm is not yet ready for freestyle but enjoyed doing the Toss & Catch and finished in 8th place. Full results are available here.
The UFO Winter Cup was an enjoyable experience in all respects, but especially for the opportunity it provided to see discdog friends from Hungary and Austria. Thank you to the organizers for putting together such a nice event! Hope to see you again soon!
nedelja, 31. januar 2010
četrtek, 21. januar 2010
Predstavitev frizbija na Ljubljanski razstavi
posted by Tomaž Šubic
V soboto 16. januarja ter v nedeljo 17. januarja sva imela frizbi nastop na CACIB Ljubljana 2010 oz. CACIB Tromostovje 2010. Gledalci so bili zelo navdušeni. Sam nastop me je zelo skrbel, ker že nekaj mesecev nisva zaradi zime nič vadila, poleg tega je bil sam teren zelo drseč... ampak nama je kljub temu uspelo pokazat nekaj atraktivnih elementov. Do mene in Mirjane-Blažke je prišlo veliko radovednežev, ki jih je marsikaj zanimalo o frizbiju. Vsem smo na hitro razložili, kako sva sploh začela z tem športom, kako danes deluje društvo in vsem smo seveda dali tudi letake društva.
V soboto 16. januarja ter v nedeljo 17. januarja sva imela frizbi nastop na CACIB Ljubljana 2010 oz. CACIB Tromostovje 2010. Gledalci so bili zelo navdušeni. Sam nastop me je zelo skrbel, ker že nekaj mesecev nisva zaradi zime nič vadila, poleg tega je bil sam teren zelo drseč... ampak nama je kljub temu uspelo pokazat nekaj atraktivnih elementov. Do mene in Mirjane-Blažke je prišlo veliko radovednežev, ki jih je marsikaj zanimalo o frizbiju. Vsem smo na hitro razložili, kako sva sploh začela z tem športom, kako danes deluje društvo in vsem smo seveda dali tudi letake društva.
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