četrtek, 11. november 2010

World animal day and Children`s week

posted by Sara Kalin

On october 9th really nice event took place in Renče (near Nova Gorica). Društvo prijateljev živali Severne Primorske and some local people decide to celebrate world animal day and childrens week with one morning event. They invited several different clubs to help create that nice event. There were therapy dogs (from tačke pomagačke ), club which helps abused and homeless horses (društvo za pomoč konjem) and one, which helps abused sighthounds from England, Ireland and Spain and trying to find them better owners in Slovenia (društvo hrtji svet), SAR group from Nova Gorica, police, there are some animal shelters, children also had a chance to ride a horse, and also our Flipsi team was there.
The main goal was collecting things (food, toys, beds, blankets..) for animal shelters (Vitovlje and sv. Anton) and kids were great, they collected a lot :)
Each club had his own place, where visitors could ask whatever they wanted to know about their activity, so goal was not just fun but also to educate people about how to treat animals and which activities can you and dog do together.
Later on, each club had an opportunity to tell and show what is their activity. Children really enjoyed freestyle and agility and were happy when there was a chance to play a bit of frisbee and throw some throws.
It was great day, events like those are a chance how on fun way educate children how to treat animals and we`re looking forward to participate on that kind of events in the future.
Children collecting things for animal shelters ((C) dan živali)
Flipsi dogs ((c) Mojca Furlan)

Amadea, Bora in Asta ((c) Dan živali)
Tomaž in Zipi ((c) Mojca Furlan)

Sky and Mojca ((c) Mojca Furlan)

Katarina in Val ((c) Mojca Furlan)